NYC DOT Community Briefing on Microhubs

NYC DOT is inviting the community to a briefing about the DOT Microhubs pilot program which is expected to launch in Community Board 1 later this summer. It is expected that some of the proposed locations will be under the BQE on Meeker Avenue. A microhub is a location where goods are transloaded from larger freight vehicles to smaller, low-emission, and electric vehicles, or human-powered modes (e.g., cargo cycles, hand carts) for final delivery.

This two-year pilot program, born out of City Council legislation, will help the agency test and refine this format. Anticipated benefits of the pilot include; encouraging greater adoption of sustainable delivery strategies, improving air quality and noise levels, and enhancing delivery worker safety.

NYC DOT is hosting this virtual meeting on behalf of DOT on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at 7 pm.

Below is the link to the Zoom meeting. 

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If you have any questions please contact Karen Nieves.

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